Ankle Arthroscopy

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon & Podiatry located in Shenandoah and Humble, TX
Ankle Arthroscopy

Ankle Arthroscopy services offered in The Woodlands and Humble, TX

Ankle arthroscopy is a safe, effective way to treat various ankle problems, including sprains, fractures, and instability. At his practice in The Woodlands and Humble, Texas, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Jason Armstrong, DPM, uses ankle arthroscopy to help diagnose your condition. Call Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule an ankle arthroscopy consultation, or book your appointment online.

Can ankle arthroscopy relieve pain that won’t respond to other treatments?

Yes. Ankle arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses an arthroscope –– a thin tube with a light and camera on the end –– to diagnose and/or repair ankle problems, including disease and injury. 

If Dr. Armstrong identifies an underlying problem like ankle instability, he may recommend using a diagnostic arthroscopy to help determine what treatment plan is right for you.

Which ankle problems does ankle arthroscopy treat?

Dr. Armstrong uses ankle arthroscopy to identify a variety of conditions and help determine the most appropriate treatment plan. 

How do I prepare for ankle arthroscopy?

Before recommending ankle arthroscopy, Dr. Armstrong reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms and lifestyle, and examines your ankle.

Tell Dr. Armstrong if you take prescription medication, vitamins, or supplements. Some drugs, like blood thinners, increase the risk of surgical complications, so you might need to stop taking them in the days leading up to your surgery.

The same rule applies if you smoke or use chewing tobacco. These products make it harder for your body to heal after surgery, so Dr. Armstrong recommends you stop or reduce your use.

What happens during ankle arthroscopy?

On the day of your surgery, your surgeon administers a general anesthetic, causing you to sleep.

Your surgeon makes several small incisions near your ankle joint and inserts the arthroscope. The arthroscope’s camera sends images back to a video monitor, allowing the medical team to view your joint and the surrounding tissues.

Small instruments are then inserted through the arthroscope to remove or repair diseased or damaged tissue. After fixing the problem, your surgeon removes the arthroscope and tools, closes the incisions, and has you moved to a recovery room.

After the anesthetic wears off, a friend or family member drives you home. You don’t have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Call the practice of Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule an ankle arthroscopy appointment, or book your visit online.