Toenail Fungus

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon & Podiatry located in Shenandoah and Humble, TX
Toenail Fungus

Toenail Fungus services offered in The Woodlands and Humble, TX

Consider toenail fungus treatment if your toenails are thick, discolored, brittle, or crumbly. Board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Jason Armstrong, DPM, who practices in The Woodlands and Humble, Texas, offers various treatments for toenail fungus, including oral antifungal drugs, topical treatments, and laser therapy. Call Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule a toenail fungus appointment, or book your visit online.

My toenails look odd. Is it toenail fungus?

Toenails undergo general wear-and-tear everyday, so it’s normal to have chips and cracks. But if your toenails are yellow or brown and emit a foul odor, a fungal infection is probably to blame. Toenail fungus usually isn’t serious, but if you have diabetes or poor circulation, it increases your risk of more severe complications.

What are the symptoms of toenail fungus?

You could have toenail fungus if your toenails are:

  • Smelly
  • Separating from the nail bed
  • Discolored
  • Brittle, crumbly, or ragged
  • Thickened

As the infection spreads and gets worse, the area around the nails could bleed or swell, and you could have difficulty walking.

What causes toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus is a fungal infection caused by onychomycosis. It begins as a small white or yellow spot but eventually spreads deeper into your nail tissue, damaging it.

Anyone can develop toenail fungus, but it’s prevalent in older adults, especially those whose feet sweat or who walk barefoot in public areas like saunas and swimming pools.

How does a foot and ankle specialist diagnose toenail fungus?

Dr. Armstrong reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your toenails. Most fungal infections are easy to identify. But Dr. Armstrong might take a few nail clippings and send them to a lab for analysis.

That’s particularly true if he suspects an underlying health problem like psoriasis. Psoriasis often presents similar symptoms to toenail fungus, so it’s important to rule it out.

How does a foot and ankle specialist treat toenail fungus?

How toenail fungus is treated will depend on how severe the infection is and your general health. Dr. Armstrong could suggest:

  • Oral antifungal drugs
  • Medicated nail polish
  • Medicated nail cream
  • Laser treatment to eliminate the infection

If you have diabetes or poor blood circulation and you experience a recurring fungal infection, Dr. Armstrong will recommend surgery. During surgery, he carefully removes the affected nails. He then applies an antifungal solution to your nail bed, preventing the infection from returning.

Can toenail fungus be prevented?

The easiest way to prevent toenail fungus is to practice proper foot hygiene. Dr. Armstrong recommends keeping your nails trimmed, washing your feet daily, and wearing socks and shoes that allow your feet to breathe. If you spend time at saunas or public swimming pools, always wear shoes like flip-flops or sandals.

Call the practice of Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule treatment for fungal toenails, or book your appointment online.