Wound Care

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon & Podiatry located in Shenandoah and Humble, TX
Wound Care

Wound Care services offered in The Woodlands and Humble, TX

Consider professional wound care if you have diabetic ulcers, venous ulcers, or other slow- or nonhealing wounds. Board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Jason Armstrong, DPM, who practices in The Woodlands and Humble, Texas, has over 20 years of experience diagnosing and treating foot and ankle wounds. Dr. Armstrong’s knowledge and training reduce the risk of infection and other common problems. Call Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule a wound care appointment, or book your visit online.

Can I benefit from wound care if I have diabetes?

Yes. Wound care diagnoses and treats open wounds and sores on the ankles, toes, and feet. Foot wounds can affect anyone, but they’re particularly common in people with diabetes, peripheral artery disease (PAD), and other conditions that affect blood circulation.

Without wound care, sores, and ulcers can become infected. An infection leads to more severe problems, like gangrene (tissue death) and amputation.

When should I see a podiatrist for wound care?

Make an appointment with Dr. Armstrong if an open wound develops on your ankle, foot, or toe and doesn’t heal within a few days. This is particularly true if you notice skin changes, including:

  • Rashes
  • Redness
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Cracked skin
  • Calluses
  • Red, yellow, or brown discoloration

If the wound is infected, you could see drainage with a foul odor.

How are foot and ankle wounds diagnosed?

Dr. Armstrong reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your feet and ankles. He assesses the ulcer, observing how big, where, and what color it is and the appearance of the surrounding skin.

Most foot and leg wounds are visible, but Dr. Armstrong might order X-rays or an MRI if there's an infection. These imaging procedures determine how far the infection extends beneath the skin and help Dr. Armstrong determine if bone or tissue has been damaged.

What does wound care involve?

Dr. Armstrong takes a conservative, patient-centered approach to wound care. Whenever possible, he recommends noninvasive treatments, including:

  • Topical wound care
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Antiplatelet and anti-clotting medication
  • Compression clothes
  • Draining the wound
  • Taking pressure off the wound with a cast or splint
  • Elevating your foot

You might need surgery if your wound doesn’t heal or gets worse. The several surgeries include debridement to remove dead or diseased tissue, tenotomy to remove scar tissue, and reconstructive surgery with skin grafts.

Dr. Armstrong makes as few incisions as necessary to reduce the risk of complications after surgery and shorten your recovery.

How can I reduce my need for wound care?

Take good care of your feet to reduce your need for wound care. Dr. Armstrong recommends inspecting and cleaning your feet daily, drinking plenty of fluids, following a healthy diet, and wearing comfortable shoes that support your feet.

Call the practice of Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to explore the benefits of wound care, or book your appointment online.