Ingrown Toenail

Board Certified Foot and Ankle Surgeon & Podiatry located in Shenandoah and Humble, TX
Ingrown Toenail

Ingrown Toenail services offered in The Woodlands and Humble, TX

Most people develop an ingrown toenail, but if you have poor circulation or diabetes, it presents potentially severe risks. At his practice in The Woodlands and Humble, Texas, board-certified podiatrist and foot and ankle surgeon Jason Armstrong, DPM, offers various treatments for ingrown toenails, including nail splints and removal and wound care. Call Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule treatment for an ingrown toenail, or book your appointment online.

Does an ingrown toenail require treatment?

Yes. Seek treatment for an ingrown toenail, even if your symptoms are mild. Without intervention, the nail grows further into your skin, increasing the risk of infection, gangrene, and amputation.

After an exam and review of your medical records, Dr. Armstrong determines the best treatment to prevent the problem from worsening.

What are the symptoms of an ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenail symptoms include:

  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Pain 
  • Tenderness
  • Skin growing over the nail

Depending on how severe the ingrowth is, you could notice blood or pus draining from your nail.

Who is at risk of an ingrown toenail?

Several things increase your risk of an ingrown toenail, including:

  • Having diabetes
  • Having very curved nails
  • Rounding your nails when you cut them
  • Wearing shoes that crowd your toes
  • Nail trauma

Your hobbies and daily routine also play a role. For example, if you play sports that involve running or kicking, you risk injuring your nails.

How does a foot and ankle specialist diagnose an ingrown toenail?

Dr. Armstrong reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your toe and toenail. Most ingrown nails are easy to identify, but Dr. Armstrong might order X-rays or an MRI to see how far the nail grows into your skin and determine if there’s an infection.

How does a foot and ankle specialist treat an ingrown toenail?

Dr. Armstrong takes a conservative and minimally invasive approach to treating ingrown toenails. Depending on your age and general health, he could suggest:

  • Lifting the nail so it grows above your skin
  • Taping the nail away from your skin
  • Partially removing the nail
  • Using a gutter splint to guide the nail’s growth

If you have a recurring ingrown toenail or an underlying health problem like diabetes that increases your risk of infection, Dr. Armstrong recommends surgery to remove the nail. He numbs your toe with a local anesthetic and removes the nail from the nail bed.

How can I prevent an ingrown toenail?

Dr. Armstrong recommends practicing proper foot hygiene to reduce your risk of an ingrown toenail. Wear shoes with a wide toe box, regularly trim your toenails, and if you have diabetes or another circulatory problem, inspect your feet daily.

Call the practice of Jason Armstrong, DPM, today to schedule treatment for an ingrown toenail, or book your appointment online.